God is calling you to step into a higher level of living. He’s inviting you into a greater purpose for your life. Wow, that’s exciting, isn’t it? Doesn’t it feel good to know the God of the Universe has chosen you?

Oh, but wait … maybe you don’t know that yet. Spoiler alert … he has. God has chosen you. Here is his invitation to join him in a purpose filled life! You’re alive today because HE WANTED YOU TO BE. Seriously, that is the only logical reason you were able to wake up. God’s miraculous works are at work within you and he doesn’t plan on wasting it.

Once you come to the understanding that you truly are here for a purpose (and that purpose is greater than working a miserable job so that you can buy and collect things that will all eventually ruin) then you have a choice to make … what kind of person will you be? If you’re here for more than just earning a paycheck, if you’re here for more than buying more clothes and getting a new car, if you’re here for more than climbing the ladder and affording a bigger house, then you realize it’s not about WHAT YOU WILL DO, but it’s all about WHO YOU WILL BE.

Who will you be as a wife? Who will you be as a mom? Who will you be as the daughter of aging parents? Who will you be as the friend of someone who is struggling? Who will you be as the girl who sees an injustice? WHO WILL YOU BE?

David once stood at a crossroads, trying to decide who he would be. He had already gone from the little shepherd boy who defeated the giant Goliath, and had become the King of Judah. But now, he was about to be crowned as the King of all of Israel. His territory was massively expanding. His purpose was growing bigger than he had ever imagined. God had appointed David as his King, and David knew it. He knew he was chosen. He knew he was stepping into this job for a purpose. Now he was asking himself what kind of person would he be.

Now that the house was growing into the largest palace, now that his power would be over all of Israel, now that he was all the way at the top of the ladder, who he would decide to be would continually be challenged and under attack. So before he took that throne, he wrote Psalm 101, his vow of integrity.

Verse 2-4, “I will pay attention to the way of integrity. I will live with a heart of integrity in my house. I will not let anything worthless guide me. I hate the practice of transgression; it will not cling to me. A devious heart will be far from me; I will not be involved with evil.”

Did you know Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr wrote an 80 page disposition on this exact scripture? He made it his guide for leading. It was his guide for the next, higher level of living. As he stepped into a greater purpose for his life, he made a vow of integrity.

Now, how about our vow of integrity? Remember, you’re in a battle against the forces of evil who want to take your life, but if they can’t take your life, they will settle for shrinking your life and making you play little.

Girl, GOD DID NOT CREATE YOU TO PLAY LITTLE! Stop backing down because the things you face will be hard. God made his girls to do hard things! You have chain breaking, sea parting, mountain moving, dead raising power inside of you. Why in the world would you play little? Oh yeah … one reason … you’ve been tricked. Tricked into believing you’re nobody and you can do nothing.

But that’s not the truth. You are God’s chosen girl. Chosen to live bigger. Chosen to fulfill a purpose. Chosen to partner with God and do his work! Just like David was chosen, so are you. Now, who will you be?

Here’s what David knew, he knew what we are at home, we are indeed. That’s why he said, “I will live with a heart of integrity in my house.” You can’t put on a show of being a blissful saint to everyone else, then be a bitter sociopath at home. What you are at home is precisely who you are. Who are you in your house when the doors are closed? When it’s only your family, who are you? When it’s only you, who are you? Because honey, that’s who you’ve really become.

One writer put it like this: Do you sing in the choir but sin in the chamber? Are you a saint abroad, but a devil at home?

Let me tell you something, accountability begins at home. If you want to change anything about your life, you change how you are in your private life. We’ve become so enamored by our public persona, but God is asking us about our private at-home life. What’s happening behind those closed doors? Who are you at home, because that’s who you really are.

The MSG translation says, “I’m doing the very best I can and I’m doing it at home, where it counts.” TPT translation says, “I’m trying my best to walk in the way of integrity, especially in my own home. I need your help!”

David knew his reign on the throne as the King he was called to be would begin at home. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr knew it. And we know it too. We can’t ignore this.

Next, David said, “I will not let anything worthless guide me.” Oh dang, does that hit you like it hits me? Haven’t we been letting totally worthless things guide us? And where has it taken us? Straight into an epic mess! Things have been crumbling down around us and we have been clueless because we are letting worthless things guide us. We’ve been distracted while the disaster grows.

TPT says, “I despise anything that moves my heart away from you.”

There’s our prayer … Lord, what has been moving my heart away from you? What has distracted me? What worthless thing have I allowed to become my guide for living?

You can’t rise up to the next level of living and step into your greater divine purpose if you’re following the wrong guide for living. I assure you, the Kardasians are not the correct guide!

I overheard a conversation between an 11 year old girl and a 20 year old girl at the resort pool last week. The younger girl was intrigued by the older girl who was from California and very trendy. Their conversation centered around the Kardasians and the latest face care routine on TikTok. Apparently if you use all their products, you will have a flawless face and a perfect life. WRONG GUIDE GIRLS!

Our hearts are being sooooo removed from God, and it’s happening right in front of our eyes. Literally, in front of our eyes. The MSG translation says, “I refuse to take a second look at corrupting people and degrading things.” My friend, to keep the heart, we must guard the eyes. Where is our discipline over our eyes? We’re letting it come right into our lives through the gateway of our eyes. We just keep watching. Keep scrolling. Keep clicking. Keep soaking it all in, and it’s saturating our hearts, changing who we are, how we think, what we say and what we do.

Today, God is asking us to start right at home. Who are you at home? Get that in alignment with who God created you to be.

Then, what are you letting into your heart through your eyes to guide you? Is it moving you away from God? GET RID OF IT. DELETE IT. STOP IT.

That’s bold. But it’s the bold action required for the girls who are willing to accept God’s invitation to live the lives he truly has available for us! How bad do you want that life?

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