About Lonnie

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So far Lonnie has created 1863 blog entries.

    1787 Complain and Remain

    What have you been complaining about this year? Really … what situation, what person, what problem has you complaining? Complaining means you are making it very clear what you're not happy about. You give energy and words to the things you don't like. Your complaining spirit ultimately reveals a lack of trust in God. Really,

    By |December 30th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1787 Complain and Remain

      1786 Looong Suffering In Relationships

      Looong Suffering In Relationships Today's open Bible Study together will be on LOOOONG SUFFERING IN RELATIONSHIPS.(Who needs this one?!!!)Grab your Bible! We'll be reading the following scriptures:Luke 17: 1-61 John 2:10Ephesians 4: 2-3Galatians 5: 22-23Lord, we bring our tiny seed of faith and we seek your power in ripping out roots of bitterness and unforgiveness.Show

      By |December 27th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1786 Looong Suffering In Relationships

        1785 Trouble On the Way

        It's the day after Christmas. What do you talk about on the day after celebrating Jesus' birthday? I asked God that exact question this morning and his answer was so clear … talk about what happened next. And it was literally a light bulb moment because what happened after Jesus' birth is most certainly applicable

        By |December 26th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1785 Trouble On the Way

          1784 Humbly Available

          God could have come to this earth guns a blazin' with his angel armies. He could have magically appeared in his full force and power as a super giant. The truth is, God could have come in absolutely any way he wanted. And what he chose was to come as a baby. A human in

          By |December 24th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1784 Humbly Available

            1783 Wishing you a ‘Mary’ Christmas

            Luke 2: 6-20:And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby,

            By |December 23rd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1783 Wishing you a ‘Mary’ Christmas

              1782 What She Didn’t Know

              It’s Christmas Bible Study time, my friends!!!Grab your Bible, as we study these scriptures today:Luke 1: 1-38Isaiah 7: 14Matthew 1: 20-21Ezekiel 36: 26-27 Follow Pamela on Instagram - https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life - http://biglifehq.com

              By |December 20th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1782 What She Didn’t Know

                1781 The Power of One Day

                Today is just one day, what could possibly happen in one day? What difference could one day make? This isn't Christmas Day, this isn't New Years Day, today seems to be just an ordinary Thursday in a busy week where we're all preparing for Christmas. One day that seems insignificant and ordinary, but what is

                By |December 19th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1781 The Power of One Day

                  1780 So Much To Do

                  It's exactly one week until Christmas. Whew, how are you doing? Give yourself a point for each one that describes you today: You still have to wrap gifts.You still have to plan a big meal.You still have to buy a crap-ton of groceries.You still have to clean your messy house before company arrives.You still have

                  By |December 18th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1780 So Much To Do

                    1779 Chosen and Changed

                    One of my absolute favorite stories in the Bible proves the transformational power of Jesus. It shows there's absolutely no one too far gone to be saved and redeemed. There's no wrong Jesus can't make right. There's no life he can't use for his good purposes. AND … you don't even have to get yourself

                    By |December 17th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1779 Chosen and Changed

                      1778 You Too Could Slip

                      This past Friday, something incredibly simple and yet wildly dangerous happened to me. For two days, I've been licking my wounds and reliving it all in slow motion … but this morning, God gave me the revelation to share with you. The lesson: Be careful, you may fall here. And if you fall here, where

                      By |December 16th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1778 You Too Could Slip