You’re In [MM_Member_Data name=’firstName’]!
Ba Bam! 2 emails were just sent to you from the Membership Support email: help (at) biglifehq dot com.
- Order receipt
- Welcome letter
Most of the information (and then some) from this page will be included in those emails. Save them for future reference.
Your login credentials are:
Username: [MM_Member_Data name=’username’]
Password: Hidden for security purposes
[MM_Order_Decision isGift=’true’]
This item was purchased as a gift. The following link can be used to redeem the gift:
[MM_Order_Data name=’giftLink’]
Here are your order details:
Name: [MM_Member_Data name=’firstName’] [MM_Member_Data name=’lastName’]
Email: [MM_Member_Data name=’email’]
[MM_Order_Decision isFree=’false’]
Order ID: [MM_Order_Data name=’id’]
Subtotal: [MM_Order_Data name=’subtotal’ doFormat=’true’]
[MM_Order_Subdecision isDiscounted=’true’]
Discount: [MM_Order_Data name=’discount’ doFormat=’true’]
[MM_Order_Subdecision isShippable=’true’]
Shipping: [MM_Order_Data name=’shipping’ doFormat=’true’]
Order Total: [MM_Order_Data name=’total’ doFormat=’true’]
Billing Address:
[MM_Order_Data name=’billingAddress’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’billingCity’] [MM_Order_Data name=’billingState’] [MM_Order_Data name=’billingZipCode’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’billingCountry’]
[MM_Order_Decision isShippable=’true’]
Shipping Address:
[MM_Order_Data name=’shippingAddress’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’shippingCity’], [MM_Order_Data name=’shippingState’] [MM_Order_Data name=’shippingZipCode’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’shippingCountry’]
Shipping Method: [MM_Order_Data name=’shippingMethod’]
[MM_Form type=’myaccount’]
[MM_Form_Section type=’gifts’]
view all
If you have any questions concerning your order, feel free to contact us at [MM_Employee_Data name=’email’].
Let’s Get Started!