So, you’ve messed this thing up. You’ve failed. You’ve fallen short. You’ve disappointed yourself.
What’s a girl to do with a mess like that? Are we to live in regret and shame? Are we to dismiss ourselves from all future goodness because of our past mistakes? Are we to assume God’s cancellation of the good plans he had for us and endure the spoils of a ruined life?
Let me tell you, that’s precisely what the enemy of your soul desires. But Heaven’s army is leaning over the rails cheering for you to see God uses every falling for his calling.
Yes, even your falling. Especially your falling. Everywhere you have fallen short. Everywhere your life has fallen apart. Everywhere you have stumbled and fallen. In God’s hand, falling is turned to calling.
Within the group of women I mentor, there are such powerful real life examples of this in action. A woman formerly addicted to cocaine, now leading a recovery group. A widow now guiding other widows to a life of joy after loss. A mom who walked through loss with her children after their father died, now working at a camp specifically for children grieving loss. A grateful recovering alcoholic, now starting her own non-profit to mentor women fighting the battle with alcohol. A couple who’s marriage was wrecked by an affair, now together helping other marriages heal after affairs. A woman whose 30 year marriage ended abruptly, now walking in her purpose as a divorce coach. A woman who lost her child to suicide, now speaking to schools about mental health. A woman who struggled with her weight and her health, now teaching others how to be naturally healthy as they lose weight. A woman abused as a child, now a therapist helping children.
Each examples of intended harm brewed up in the pits of hell. Addiction, affairs, brokenness, tragedy, despair. Falling. Falling short. Falling apart. Falling hard. But, in the hands of God, a calling.
Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
My friend, could it be that whatever was intended for harm in your life could become your calling when placed in the hands of God? Could you find your greatest purpose in the very thing that once hurt you the most?
Here’s what the enemy desires … he desires to not only hurt you, but he desires to keep you quiet in your hurt. Keep you alone in your pain. Somehow make you feel ashamed of the attack on your life and hide your story. But, God wants to use your story. He wants to use your fall. He wants to use your brokenness to bring healing. To you and to others. Don’t hide it, offer it.
When we first started having problems with one of our children, I immediately felt shame. If others knew our family struggled, we would be judged. We would be ridiculed. I mentor moms and give family advice. No one will want me! So, I hid in a quiet little hell of torture for a bit of time. Ashamed to admit the family that looked so good on the outside was losing one of our own. As I hid, the voices told me I should step down and stop sharing the promises of God because the promises of God weren’t even enough for my child. The teachings I shared weren’t enough for our family. We had failed.
But one day, God told me to be boldly honest and share our journey because others needed to know they weren’t alone. And you know what … shocker … God was right! Why would I hide in shame because the enemy had attacked? Why would I hide in guilt because darkness had crept in? Why wouldn’t I invite God into that darkness, shine his light on it, and invite him to illuminate everything the enemy had tried to do? I can’t even count the number of moms who have messaged me in the past 5 years with their own struggles. God has equipped me with real life hope to share. Not just hope from a book, but hope from the days we’ve lived.
Back to you. Your falling. Falling apart. Falling short. Falling hard.
Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” That’s all of us. We’ve all fallen.
Psalm 145: 14, “The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.” That’s us too. We’re all being helped by God. He’s lightening our loads and lifting our burdens. He’s picking us up. And … he’s turning this falling into a calling.
2 Timothy 1: 9, “God first saved us and then called us to this holy work. We had nothing to do with it. It was all his idea, a gift prepared for us in Jesus long before we knew anything about it.”
Saved us, then called us. Called us to holy work!
My sister, you have been called to holy work! God’s idea was to take everything the enemy intended for harm, and turn it right around to use it for good. Good that becomes the saving of many lives.
If God has done it in the life of the cocaine addict, why couldn’t he do it for you?
If God has done it in that marriage, why couldn’t he do it in yours?
If God did it through that widow, why couldn’t he do it through your loss?
If God did it in that family’s struggle, why couldn’t he do it in your family’s struggle?
If God did it in that problem, why couldn’t he do it in your problem?
He could. His plan is absolutely to do it. To use it. To work in it. To unleash his power in it. To heal in it. The question is, will you let him?
There’s a calling on your life. If you don’t know what that calling is, look no further than your falling. Where have you fallen apart? Where have you fallen short? Offer your falling to the God who will use it as a calling.
There’s a calling on your life. How do I know? Because there was also a falling. That’s what God uses!
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