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So far Lonnie has created 1864 blog entries.

    1708 Wicked Imagination

    In today's unscripted Bible study, we dive into 2 of the 7 things God'sword says he hates. Oh wait, this applies to every one of us in thethoughts we choose to entertain! Follow Pamela on Instagram - https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life - http://biglifehq.com

    By |August 30th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1708 Wicked Imagination

      1707 The Secret Scale

      When you ask God to search your heart and show you what needs to change, don't be surprised when you discover what looks good on the outside has been rotten on the inside. It's so easy for us to dress ourselves up and play pretend nice, but God isn't impressed by our show. God knows

      By |August 29th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1707 The Secret Scale

        1706 Roll Your Plans

        What are your plans? For real, what have you been planning to do? Plans for your future. Plans for a move. Plans for a career. Plans for a vacation. As humans, we tend to make plans because God makes plans. We're made in his image, so naturally, we make plans too. And your plans are

        By |August 28th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1706 Roll Your Plans

          1705 Four Lessons in Creation

          All of God's creation (outside of humans), simply does what it's created to do without thought. The plants and the animals live naturally, just as they were created. There's no stress. There's no worry. They represent the perfection in God's design. So, why can't we (God's greatest creation, the one's he has called his masterpiece)

          By |August 27th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1705 Four Lessons in Creation

            1704 Making The Right Decision

            I believe I've come to know something about you in our time here together. Now there's a lot of you that is still a mystery to me, but this one thing I have come to know … You truly want to do the right thing. You want to make the right decisions. You want to

            By |August 26th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1704 Making The Right Decision

              1703 Make God Look Good

              Everything you do represents God. Your maker has asked you to representhim well … will you? Enjoy today's unscripted devotional from Colossians 3: 23-25. Follow Pamela on Instagram - https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life - http://biglifehq.com

              By |August 23rd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1703 Make God Look Good

                1702 You’re Denied

                Have you ever thought about what it means to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus? If I'm being honest, that doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun. I like to make everything fun. I can turn the hardest work into something fun. I can take any old boring day and make

                By |August 22nd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1702 You’re Denied

                  1701 God Has Promised

                  This morning it hit me … the overwhelming reality of what YOU might be going through. The burden you may be carrying. The weight of the decisions you may need to make. The immense pain you may be enduring. The total uncertainty you may be walking in. In this humbling moment, I realized you may

                  By |August 21st, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1701 God Has Promised

                    1700 It’s Your Dusk

                    Right now it looks like you have no good options, but you have no idea what God is willing to do in response to your obedient next step of faith. You cannot see what radical provision and breakthrough God has aligned, and you won't see it until you decide staying stuck here is no longer

                    By |August 20th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1700 It’s Your Dusk

                      1699 For the Brokenhearted

                      If you were to draw a straight horizontal line and put an arrow on each end, this would show the infinite care and power of God. On the left side of line write: Individual Needs. Now on the right side of the line write: The Entire Universe. God's care and power is infinitely intimate and

                      By |August 19th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1699 For the Brokenhearted