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So far Lonnie has created 1863 blog entries.

    1777 Two For One

    In this special Friday Bible study time together, we are hitting 2 topics in 1 devotional! STOP MAKING THIS ABOUT YOU The more you lead a self-focused life, the more you’re prone to discouragement. Every time you forget that it’s not about you, you’re going to get prideful or fearful or bitter. Those feelings will

    By |December 13th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1777 Two For One

      1776 Why You Keep Praying

      If you've already prayed about it, what do you do next? Really, what do you do when you've talked to God about this? Jesus is very clear. After he teaches his disciples how to pray, he tells them in Luke 11: 9-10, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on

      By |December 12th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1776 Why You Keep Praying

        1775 One Thing To Get Better

        There's something you wish you were better at. There's something you're trying to do, but you're struggling. What is it specifically for you? Are you trying to grow a business, but you're struggling? Are you trying to date, but you're struggling? Are you trying to fix your marriage, but you're struggling? Are you trying to

        By |December 11th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1775 One Thing To Get Better

          1774 Your Marching Orders

          Whatever impossible you are facing, God could overcome it all in an instant, but he often doesn't. Why is that? Why doesn't he call down the angel armies to fix this? Why doesn't he display his extraordinary power and intervene in a way that not a single soul could deny him? If I were God,

          By |December 10th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1774 Your Marching Orders

            1773 You Are In Danger

            We make a massive mistake when we try to clean up our lives, but fail to fill our lives with Jesus. If all you ever do is remove the bad from your life and never refill it with the good, your empty spaces will eventually be refilled with even worse. Every single space of your

            By |December 9th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1773 You Are In Danger

              1772 Come Follow Me

              The fullness of life God has aligned for you cannot be received when you're holding on to something else. If you're clinging to your plans, God's plans have no open hand to land in. If you're focused on your idea of happiness, you miss the opportunities for true, deep, lasting happiness God has designed for

              By |December 6th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1772 Come Follow Me

                1771 God Never Runs Out

                How does it make you feel to see someone else get what you have been praying for? The very thing you've been wanting, even needing, dreaming of for years, and it goes to someone else. But what about you? Has God overlooked you? Why are you left still waiting and wanting? Will it ever be

                By |December 5th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1771 God Never Runs Out

                  1770 Don’t Yield To Fear

                  When you're facing a troubling situation, what do you do? Jesus is asking you to STOP YIELDING TO YOUR FEAR and instead TRUST HIM. Is God aware of what you're going through? Absolutely. He knows every detail of your life. How do I know? His word tells me! Psalm 139: 1-5, "O Lord, you have

                  By |December 4th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1770 Don’t Yield To Fear

                    1769 What the Demons Know

                    Your enemy, the devil, knows two things better than you … he knows God's power and your potential. He has no doubt about who God is and what God can do. He is also fully aware of what God can do with a life like yours when it is fully surrendered and lived in wild

                    By |December 3rd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1769 What the Demons Know

                      1768 Out of Control

                      Wherever there is disorder in your life, God wants to bring it back into order. Where there is chaos, God wants to bring his peace. And what God wants, God can do! The question is, are you going to partner with God in the process, or are you going to fight it? The truth is,

                      By |December 2nd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1768 Out of Control