1557 There’s More To This

What you see today is only the beginning of what God is going to do. Where you are today is only the beginning of where God will take you. There's so much more than what you see and know today. It's like the tip of the iceberg above the water, versus the massive formation below

By |January 23rd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1557 There’s More To This

1556 Time To Rise

Today is the fourth Monday of this new year. For most, it already feels old. You started this year with a plan to make progress, but have you? Really, are you making progress? Or are you held back? What holds you back, my sister? If there's a world of potential within you, what is keeping

By |January 22nd, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1556 Time To Rise

1555 Say Yes Now

This unscripted devotional time combines two of this week's teachings to reveal the offer of our calling on the table. Jesus hopes you will say yes! Follow Pamela on Instagram - https://instagram.com/headmamapamelaOr Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pamela.crimFind out more about BIG Life - http://biglifehq.com

By |January 19th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1555 Say Yes Now

1554 Falling to Calling

So, you've messed this thing up. You've failed. You've fallen short. You've disappointed yourself. What's a girl to do with a mess like that? Are we to live in regret and shame? Are we to dismiss ourselves from all future goodness because of our past mistakes? Are we to assume God's cancellation of the good

By |January 18th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1554 Falling to Calling

1553 Filled and Healed

My prayer for you this morning is that God would fill you up. Maybe you’re running on empty and your tank so desperately needs to be filled. Where are you empty? Is it your love tank? Is it your energy tank? Is it your hope tank? Is it your courage tank? Where do you need

By |January 17th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1553 Filled and Healed

1552 Choose Your Party

We've all heard the saying "misery loves company". It's true isn't it? Well, let me tell you something else… Misery might love company, but so does joy. And joy throws much better parties. You get to choose the party you throw and the party you attend. There are pity parties and there are joy parties

By |January 16th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1552 Choose Your Party

1551 Offer On the Table

Hear God loud and clear today as he says, "I won't force you." God will not force you into the good plans he has for your life. He won't force you to step into the overflowing abundance he has aligned for you. He won't force you to accept divine opportunities for a greater purpose than

By |January 15th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1551 Offer On the Table

1550 Represent

Let's go back to what God showed us in episode #1546 "That's a Problem", and dig deeper. The majority of us have a real problem accepting and loving ourselves. Let's make this real clear … this is a problem. And it's a problem for Jesus! You will be known by your love and your love

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1550 Represent

1549 Trust and Try

Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to try again. You're tired of trying, aren't you? Believing this could change and things could be different is exhausting. So, you've settled here, made peace with the unhappiness, and accepted the fact that this is where you are and where you're going to stay. This marriage isn't getting

By |January 11th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1549 Trust and Try

1548 One’s Gone Missing

There's a reason you feel alone sometimes. There's a reason you have a tendency to run and hide when you're struggling. There's a reason you place yourself on the sidelines and watch from a distance. There's a reason why you check out. Here's the reason … the enemy is at work! 1 Peter 5:8, "The

By |January 10th, 2024|Categories: Devotionals, Podcast|Comments Off on 1548 One’s Gone Missing